Read our article on the Coronavirus in Wrocław: Latest Travel Info & Updates.
I'm in Wrocław during the Coronavirus Crisis. What Can I Still Do?
We acknowledge that Spring is officially here and we're all a bit peeved to be in doors all the time! But we need to stress this: Please take the situation seriously and do everything possible to protect yourself from the virus and prevent its spread to others. The best advice, and we are not kidding, is to isolate yourself by staying at home or in your hotel. Isolation is the only vaccine at the moment.COMMOM SENSE TIPS FOR AVOIDING CORONAVIRUS:
[Please follow these rules when following any of our other advice.]

• Avoid crowds and keep a safe distance from other people.
• Avoid touching doorhandles, handrails, etc.
• Avoid cash, use your bank card.
• Keep your face covered or avoid touching it.
With that said - and we are continuing here in the hope that readers will truly think carefully about the activities they engage in during this time - though most attractions have been closed, for tourists unfortunate enough to have travelled to Kraków at this inopportune time there are still some traditional sightseeing options that can be booked, including walking tours, bike tours and more. Visit our partner Get Your Guide and enter the date to see which offers are still available in Kraków. Get Your Guide has been updating their offers daily as availability changes and will fully refund your money if something is cancelled.
From our perspective, however, it's a better strategy to organise your own time, and while many sights are shuttered or off-limits, you can still check out some of Kraków's less visited places and open spaces . For stir-crazy locals and bored/disappointed visitors, below are our suggestions of interesting and safe places to explore in Kraków on your own during the Coronavirus crisis.
Top Things You Can Still Do in Wrocław During the Coronavirus Pandemic
1) Stay Home
Did we say that? It's worth saying again...
2) Do a virtual tour of the Centennial Hall.
There's been a sudden trend of public institutions rushing to have their buildings and collections available in a virtual realm. Listed amongst 30 UNESCO World Heritage Sites with such a portal is Wrocław's Centennial Hall , a marvel of reinforced concrete architecture built in 1911. The building became one of Poland's official national Historic Monuments, as designated in 2005, together with the Four Domes Pavilion, the Pergola, and the Iglica. Its listing is maintained by the National Heritage Board of Poland. It was also listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2006. Visit the virtual space here.
3) Give yourself a Self-Guided Walking Tour
4) Swing by Ostrów Tumski
If you are in Wrocław Old town, you may as well swing by Ostrów Tumski, the archaically-picturesque gem at the centre of Wrocław’s crown. This, after all, is where the city began in the latter part of the 9th century. The district’s history has always been closely tied to Catholicism and today you’ll find an incredible concentration of religious buildings across the river, making it an incredibly peaceful place to explore and relax.

A visit to this lovely, peaceful part of Wrocław rightly begins at Most Piaskowy (ENG: Sand Bridge). This is the oldest bridge in Wrocław, built in 1861 and an engineering marvel, if no great shakes on the design front. The original bridge, built back in the 11th century, was part of the ancient trade route - the Amber Road, which led from the Baltic Sea to Vienna, and thence to Venice.

As you cross over onto Wyspa Piasek (ENG: Sand Island) and along ul. Jadwigi you will pass the Russian Orthodox Church of Sts. Cyril and Methodius, the Baroque-era University Library, and the Gothic Church of the Blessed Virgin on the Sand, famous for its 16th-century icon of the Virgin Mary in the northern nave. From here the beloved, iron, 1890-built Most Tumski (Tumski Bridge) leads you across to the oldest part of the city; look out for the statues of St. Jadwiga (Hedwig), Silesia's patron saint, and John the Baptist, Wrocław's patron, at the head of the bridge. Also of note are the padlocks placed on the bridge by newlyweds to symbolise the unbreakable bond they share going forward in life together.
Following ul. Katedralna from there you’ll first come across the Church of Saints Peter & Paul before reaching the impressive monument of John of Nepomuk standing beneath the Church of the Holy Cross , a rare two-level church with two separate parishes. Continuing down picturesque ul. Katedralna you'll pass two of the neighbourhood's only places to rest and refuel - Cafeterie Chic at Katedralna 6 and Lwia Brama at Katedralna 9 - before standing beneath the beautiful Cathedral of St. John the Baptist, famous for its stunning stained glass windows and 16th century altarpiece. To the right of the Cathedral’s main portal is the Archbishop’s Palace, now the Archdiocese Museum (the Archbishop lives elsewhere these days). For those looking for a sanctuary that’s not full of cadavers on crosses, head north to the city’s Botanical Gardens – one of the finest, most picturesque, and sadly overlooked, places for spending time in Wrocław.
5) Go Gnome-Spotting
Wrocław has a thing with gnomes
, which is probably best covered by the link below. There are gnomes
over the city, and you can have a load of fun trying to spot them all. How many you ask? They lost count at 350...so there's probably more than that to say the least. This is also a great way of getting to know the area. While you should avoid other humans, considering the current state of affairs, gnomes are naturally-immune to Coronavirus (Don't ask us why they're wearing masks in that first photo!). In saying that though,
wash your hands if you're gonna touch them!
They're not hugely talkative, but each has its own unique character and you're bound to find one that suits you.

Read our article on Gnomenclature: Wrocław's Gnomes
Read our article on The Gnome Revolution: 'Major' Fydrych & the Orange Alternative