How many cases of Coronavirus (COVID-19) are there right now in Wrocław?
The current rate of Coronavirus infections in Wrocław and the surrounding voivodeship of Dolny Śląsk (ENG: Lower Silesia) is above 22 new cases a day .As of now, there are a reported 153,399 active cases of Coronavirus in the whole of Poland. There have been a total of 2,879,030 people infected in Poland since March 4 2020. 74,858 people have died from Coronavirus in Poland.

NOTE: Since 24 November 2020, the Polish Ministry of Health has changed the format of available information for current COVID-19 cases, focusing on daily new cases. For this reason, it is incredibly difficult to provide an accurate number for current COVID-19 cases per voivod. In addition, since mid-October 2020, the Polish Ministry of Health has purposefully been testing less (there is even less on weekends) to bring down their daily averages. For this reason, it is even more difficult to assess the rate of new Coronavirus cases in Poland.
The cities and their surrounding voivodships with the highest number of cases are the capital Warsaw ( read more ) followed by Katowice ( read more ).
Obviously, given the rapid exponential spread of the virus, the exact number of cases is difficult to calculate and constantly being updated. Check this live updated global map by John Hopkins University or follow the Polish Ministry of Health on Twitter @MZ_GOV_PL .
Read the latest on the Coronavirus in WARSAW.
Read the latest on the Coronavirus in KRAKÓW.
Read the latest on the Coronavirus in GDAŃSK.
Read the latest on the Coronavirus in POZNAŃ.
Read the latest on the Coronavirus in KATOWICE.
Read the latest on the Coronavirus in ŁÓDŹ.
😷 It is mandatory to cover your mouth and nose in such places as:
• in buses, trams and trains,
• in shops, malls, banks, markets and post offices
• in cinemas and theatres,
• at physician’s offices, in outpatient clinics and hospitals, in massage and tattoo parlours
• in churches, at schools and universities,
• In government offices (when going there to take care of certain matters) and other civic centres.
✋ Exemption from the obligation to cover the mouth and nose is limited only to persons who have a medical certificate or a document confirming:
• a pervasive developmental disorder,
• a mental disorder,
• moderate, severe or profound intellectual disability,
• difficulties in uncovering the mouth or nose on their own.
🚌 All means of public transport across Poland may only make up to 75% of seats available to passengers. From 26 June, the limit of people will change to 100 % ie. full capacity will be permitted.
🏟️ Outdoor sports events are permitted (up to 50 people). Children's organised sports events can go ahead at 50% capacity.
Hair and cosmetic salons will be able to open (applicable to 5 regions of Poland where restrictions remain in place)
🛒 Shops and Shopping malls are open - 1 person per 15m2.
🏛️ Museums and art galleries are open and can operate under a strict sanitary regime. A limit of 1 person per 15 m2 is in effect.
🎭 Cinemas, theatres and amusement parks are open, permitting 50% capacity. From 26 June, the limit will be raised to 75 % of full capacity.
• Eating and drinking in cinemas are prohibited at this time.
• Theaters, operas and philharmonic halls may have no more than 250 attendees are permitted at outdoor events.
📚 Libraries may make their collections available to readers provided that the limit of 1 person per 15 m2 of space is observed. Public and research libraries may organise indoor meetings and events provided that the following criteria are met:
• no more than 15 attendees are allowed, with each of them maintaining a distance of 1.5 m from other persons;
• ensuring that attendees comply with the requirement to cover mouth and nose;
• ensuring that attendees refrain from eating and drinking.
🎪 Indoor concerts and circus shows have been resumed under the following conditions:
• no more than 50% of seats may be made available to viewers or listeners (every second seat),
• a distance of 1.5 m between viewers or listeners must be maintained, and if no designated seats are available, a limit of 1 person per 15 metres squared must be observed,
• ensuring that viewers or listeners comply with the requirement to cover mouth and nose,
• ensuring that viewers or listeners refrain from eating and drinking.
🎸 Concerts and circus performances can be organised outdoors under the following conditions:
• no more than 50% of seats may be made available to viewers or listeners (every second seat),
• a distance of 1.5 m between viewers or listeners must be maintained, and if no designated seats are available, a limit of 1 person per 15 metres squared must be observed; additionally, no more than 250 attendees are allowed. Persons vaccinated against Covid-19 shall not count towards the limit of 250 attendees.
• ensuring that viewers or listeners comply with the requirement to cover mouth and nose,
• ensuring that viewers or listeners refrain from eating and drinking.
🕺 Night clubs, discos and "dance-activity" venues are prohibited in the entire country, with the exception of sports dance clubs. From 26 June, night clubs, discos and other dancing venues will resume their activities. The limit of max. 150 people will apply.
🛏️ Hotels will be able to reopen, but only at 50% normal capacity - hotel restaurants and spas to remain closed.
🍽️ Restaurants spaces (both indoor and outdoor) are open. Indoor seating is under strict sanitary conditions.
⛪ Places of religious worship are limited to 50% of full capacity. From 26 June, this will be raised to 75% of full capacity. Individuals fully vaccinated against COVID-19 will not be counted towards the limit.
🧑🏫 All students have returned to stationary learning. Nurseries and kindergartens have recommenced providing care without restrictions.
🏅 All sports venues will open, permitting a maximum of 50% capacity.
💒 Special events may be organised outdoors and indoors alike (e.g. inside restaurants). A limit of 150 attendees is in effect. Such events may only take place under a strict sanitary regime. A distance between individual tables must be maintained (only every other table may be occupied, with a 1.5 m distance between tables – unless there is a screen between them with a height of at least 1 m, counting from the table’s surface).