Now on show are top tags from MaxMara, Elisabetta Franchi, PennyBlack, Michael Kors, Karl Lagerfeld and DM Moda, as well as respected mainstream brands like Olsen and S'Portofino. The draw, other than the brands, is the convenient, easy to get to location - roll in by tram, bus or car. What's more, this is the only shopping centre to have a concierge point, and they also boast FASHION STUDIO - a place where anyone can use the services of professional stylists.
Dom Mody KLIF
Now on show are top tags from MaxMara, Elisabetta Franchi, PennyBlack, Michael Kors, Karl Lagerfeld and DM Moda, as well as respected mainstream brands like Olsen and S'Portofino. The draw, other than the brands, is the convenient, easy to get to location - roll in by tram, bus or car. What's more, this is the only shopping centre to have a concierge point, and they also boast FASHION STUDIO - a place where anyone can use the services of professional stylists.
Rondo DaszyńskiegoOpen
Open 09:00-21:00. Sun 10:00-20:00*.
Eurospar open Mon-Sat 08:30-22:00; Sun 09:00-20:00*.
This shopping centre caters for those that like to spend lots of money on designer clothes. There is a great supermarket here that sells lots of international foods, for that reason alone I'll be back there spending my money!