
Stary Port

Krakow's only sailor bar could be best described in three words only: Endless drunken singalong. This candlelit ship-in-a-bottle is packed full of students and seamen on permanent shore-leave and the selkies, sirens and sea-wenches that love them. Surrounded by nautical knickknacks, salty, sea-creased musicians sing shanties into the wee hours (particularly Thursday to Saturday) and fellowship is found at the bottom of every bottle. Our favourite pub/plank to walk. Fetch aft the rum, Marcin!


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Open 10:00 - 01:00, Thu, Fri 10:00 - 03:00, Sat 12:00 - 03:00, Sun 12:00 - 01:00.


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Editor IYP
For as many years as we've been in Kraków (over a decade), every Thursday night from about 22:00 - 01:00 there's a collection of old sea hounds who collect in the back room and play through all the old shanty standards simply for the pleasure of singing and drinking together. One of the warmest, most genuine and most intimate gatherings you can attend, it's a window into the Polish soul and highly recommended for anyone looking for an alternative night out. We love it.
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