The biggest highlights each year are undoubtedly the lighting of the city's Christmas tree, the Old Town Square Christmas Market and Ice Sculpture Festival. This year (2022) - due to the massive renovation taking place on the Old Town Square which typically hosts these events - things will look a little different, with festive events spreading out to new corners of the city. Instead of one or two Christmas markets, there will several, with holiday festivities taking place in many of the same public spaces that have picked up the slack over the past year while the market square has been off-limits. Although details are a bit sparse at this time, look for holiday festivities in the following locations during the following dates:
Nov. 19 - Dec. 23, 2022 ▶ Poznań International Trade Fair
Dec. 03-18, 2022 ▶ Plac Kolegiacki
Nov. 18 - Dec. 27, 2022 ▶ Plac Wolności
Dec. 03-18, 2022 ▶ Rynek Łazarski
The city's main Christmas tree and Christmas market will be on Plac Wolności in 2022, while the Mill Wheel carousel (which dates back to 1946) will be on Rynek Łazarski. Also note that this year's Ice Sculpture Festival - arguably the festive season in Poznań's biggest highlight - will take place in Earth Hall at Poznań International Fair from December 9-11. Wesołych Świąt (Merry Christmas)!